Irish construction restarts as lockdown eases
Article Courtesy of: Construction News – Monday 18th May 2020 – Megan Kelly
Source: Please click here Construction News for the full article / link to the website
Sites in Ireland have been given the go-ahead to restart construction, as part of the country’s phased easing of lockdown restrictions.
All outdoor construction sites can reopen from today. Indoor construction work, such as fit-out work, can be carried out as long as workers enforce social distancing, with the exception of renovation work on existing buildings that are currently occupied.
A condition of opening sites is that all workers must complete a COVID-19 online induction for safe working, launched by Irish trade body Construction Industry Federation (CIF) in partnership with the government. The course includes information on how to socially distance on site and what to do should any workers present COVID-19 symptoms. Once completed, workers receive a digital card that confirms they have successfully completed the programme, which is required before a worker can access a site. Employers can check and verify workers have completed the course on the CIF’s website. So far, more than 125,000 workers have taken part in the process.
The induction is part of a national return-to-work protocol, which involves putting extra hygiene facilities in place on sites across the country, as well as companies carrying out assessments and modifying sites to make it easier to adhere to social-distancing guidelines. Firms have been advised by the government to appoint compliance officers to ensure that sites are safe to return to work.
All non-essential construction in Ireland was brought to a halt on 28 March, when Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and minister for health Simon Harris said that only sites critical to stopping the spread of coronavirus could remain open.
Commenting on the guidance, CIF director general Tom Parlon said: “This national protocol will help businesses return to work safely, protecting our workers, our families and our communities. The collaborative approach between industry, union and government is welcomed and this must continue on the ground to protect workers and the public.”
In the UK, the government announced last week that extended working hours will be permitted on residential construction sites, in agreement with local authorities, to kickstart the housing market.
Article Courtesy of: Construction News – Monday 18th May 2020 – Megan Kelly
Source: Please click here Construction News for the full article / link to the website